What is the main Use of Bitumen?
The Main Use of Bitumen is in Road Construction, where it’s used as the Binder mixed with Aggregate particles to create Asphalt. It’s used in road construction to bring Flexibility to pavements and ensure they strongly bind and hold the construction components together and provide a smooth and leveled surface for the moving vehicles.
Below are the properties of Bitumen as they continue to be favored as the most important material in construction.
• Adhesives: They consist of adhesives which bind together all the components without bringing about any positive or negative changes in their properties.
• Waterproof: Bitumen is insoluble in water and can serve as an effective sealant.
• Strong: Though the coarse aggregates are the main load-bearing component in a pavement. Bitumen or Asphalt also plays a vital role in distributing the traffic loads to the layers beneath.
• Durable: Bitumen lives up to twenty years if maintained properly throughout the pavement life.
• Versatile: Bitumen is a relatively easy to use the material because of its thermoplastic property. It can be spread easily along the underlying pavement layers as it liquefies when heated making the job easier and hardens in a solid mass when cooled.
• Economical: It is available in affordable prices almost all over the world.